Migration cost

Do you want to know how much the migration costs?

Migration scrolls

This table shows the number of migration scrolls depending on the rank in a new kingdom, as well as their total cost if you buy them in the guild store.
Rank in a new kingdom Scrolls count Cost in guild coins
1 90 72.900.000
2 65 52.650.000
3 50 40.500.000
4 35 28.350.000
5 30 24.300.000
6 28 22.680.000
7 26 21.060.000
8 24 19.440.000
9 22 17.820.000
10 20 16.200.000
11-13 18 14.580.000
14-16 16 12.960.000
17-18 14 11.340.000
19-20 13 10.530.000
21-22 12 9.720.000
23-24 11 8.910.000
25-26 10 8.100.00
27-28 9 7.290.000
29-30 8 6.480.000
31-32 7 5.670.000
33-35 6 4.860.000
36-38 5 4.050.000
39-41 4 3.240.000
42-45 3 2.430.000
46-50 2 1.620.000
51+ 1 810.000